Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time Flies!

Yes, that's right - time will pass regardless of what you do about it. We all have 24 hours in a day and it's amazing what some people will do while others will just make excuses. While I admit, I'm not achieving 100% of my goals I've set this year (and am still setting), I am making more progress than in the past. I am 1 speech away from completing my Competent Communicator distinction from Toastmaster's and it has really been a good goal to set and achieve because it requires planning ahead (I can't show up to a meeting a do all 10 speeches), making time to write and rehearse a speech and blocking my work calendar so I can make sure no one schedules a meeting for me that might interfere w/getting to this meeting once a week. I'm still dealing w/a bit of procrastination, but at least by setting goals that I write down and communicate to others, it helps me to become more committed than if I just thought about achieving a goal someday.

Speaking of goals - Tri 2 of 3 coming up this wknd!! First open water swim Tri, so I'm a bit nervous, but should be easier than doing flip turns in a pool (or not doing them in my case)! We'll see!

Hope everyone is having a good week! If you have any ideas for what works to help you accomplish your goals, pass them on!

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