Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Last Tri completed!

Did the Danskin tri 2 weeks ago in Denver. This was supposed to be the "tri of all tris" for women. So glad it was not my first tri of the year as I would have been very disappointed. The venue was poorly organized for the amount of athletes and spectators and it felt like 100 degress on the plains of east Denver. Could not even get my wetsuit on it was so hot so I decided heck w/it and swam without it! That was a good decision. Unfortunately, the asphalt tore up my tender feet between getting to and from the swim area. Felt them the whole time on the bike and run. Got my share of sport beans though! Seems like they were at every transition!

After that tri have been somewhat anti-tri. I really don't know how people train for an ironman. I could not train 5-6 days per week at the intensity level needed to complete one of those grueling events. And I really like to workout...just not that much!

Oh, well - I accomplished my goal and I'm happy. Will hopefully want to do more next year. For now, I'm just biking and working out for fun.


Michael said...

So, what're doing next for kicks and giggles?

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